Going beyond the numbers…
Money wellness from the inside out

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Why Money Wellness?
Money is part of so many areas of our lives. Yet do we really understand it?
When it comes to money, sooner or later there’s a wake-up call that happens for each of us. We realize how stressed we are about money, and how it’s just not working for us.
Because if money blocks like these have taken control of your life, it’s time to do something about it:
Feeling like you have no control over how much money you make
Being too busy or out of time to figure out how to take your income to a new level
Fearing you'll have to work harder to make more, which keeps you stuck where you are
Avoiding looking at your bank account or 'dealing with money'
Feeling you're at the mercy of your expenses
Making 'just enough' to get by, no matter how sucessfull your business or career is
Worrying what others will think when you start making more money
Did you know that you you CAN get rid of subconscious money blocks and get back to financial wellbeing and Money Wellness?!
Discover your power through Money Wellness Coaching!
By uncovering your money blocks and your old patterns and beliefs, we can tap into your unique ‘Money Code’.
And once you discover your own Money Code, you will feel as if all the puzzle pices of your life easily fall into place:
You understand what makes you tick when it comes to money (freeing you from negative self-judgment)
You're free to make decisions from a place of empowerment, not fear
You no longer fall prey to unconscious sabotaging behaviour (it's a blessing to be in control of your life this way, authentically and easily)
You will have complete clarity when it comes to the money in your life

Uncertainty about money creates unnecessary stress, anxiety and worry, no matter where you are on your money journey, and stops you from moving forward with confidence.
Stop feeling stuck in this financial quicksand and get crystal clear on:
Your money blueprint and beliefs. Find out what’s driving you or what’s holding you back. And learn how you can get unstuck.
Your cash flow and your overall finances: by getting your financial house in order, you can now find money leaks and confidently design your financial goals
How to work with your brain, so you stop triggering fight-flight-freeze and rise up from survival mode into thriving.
Your money blueprint and beliefs. Find out what’s driving you or what’s holding you back. And learn how you can get unstuck.
Your cash flow and your overall finances: by getting your financial house in order, you can now find money leaks and confidently design your financial goals
How to work with your brain, so you stop triggering fight-flight-freeze and rise up from survival mode into thriving.
Let's talk
You can’t change anything until you’re aware of it.
There’s a reason for the saying ‘knowledge is power’. Having a solid understanding of your relationship with money will help you find the confidence and determination to handle your money like a boss.
Understand your finances: it’s not nearly as complicated as you might think. Learn and implement simple yet highly effective money systems that bring clarity and ease
Discover how your body and mind impact your money decisions and vice versa
Understand why budgets don’t work (it’s not your fault!) and embrace the Behavioural Cash Flow system.

What makes it unique?
My Holistic Money Wellness Approach
Seamless integration of the practical and human side of money
Get crystal clear on your money and your relationship to money
Build confidence with the Behavioural Cash Flow System and Build your money eco-system
Deepen your new beliefs with Behavioural Money Coaching

Mariska Reinerink
Founder &
Holistic Money Wellness Coach and Advisor
About The Founder
Money decisions are never JUST about the money!
Mariska has combined her finance and healthcare expertise into the Money Wellness approach that helps people look at money in a whole new way!
It’s your time to transform your money story into one of freedom and confidence!